Strike While The Iron Is Hot
- March 10, 2020
- by
- Lisa Mei
Recently, I was smacked in the face with a truth about my success and 2020. I realized that my success in 2020 hinges on ‘striking while the iron is hot’. Meaning, I need to promptly act on opportunities that come my way this year.
I constantly have inspired ideas and creative thoughts. But I tend to be slow to act on them. I write the idea down -with the goal of coming back to it when I have ample time and I’m better prepared to flush it out– but I don’t write down the motivation behind the idea(s), or any supporting ideas. Then when I go back to flush it out, usually 2 or 3 weeks later, I find that it is just not hitting the way it was in my head originally. It sounds clinical. Textbook, even. Facts, but no personality. This demotivates me to be quite honest. It makes the task seem more overwhelming and distractions much more appealing.
I recognize that I need to change that pattern this year. I have a goal to consistently produce creative and thoughtful content. If I intend to meet this goal, I MUST start drafting these ideas on the spot! Now, had I doubted I needed to take heed to this, let me tell you how God made it crystal clear for your girl!
I had the epiphany initially, and in typical fashion I noted it then moved on from it. A week later it came back to me, but this time with urgency. Yet again, I was inclined to follow my m.o and write it down and eventually get back to it. But God, being the omniscient and masterful Father that He is, orchestrated a plan that He knew would grab my attention!
So, here I was tuned into a webinar at work (I do not play about my webinars, hunty! lol). I put my headphones in, listened for a bit, but took them out because things kept coming up at work. Now, I did not turn the webinar off, I just took my headphones out, because I planned to continue listening. After 5 minutes of still doing work things, I realized that it was too busy in the office to focus on my webinar. I decided that I would just catch it later. As I picked up the headphones in one hand and started to grab the mouse with the other, “something” (that being God) told me to put the headphones back in. I did. And hunnntyy! The woman was no lie talking about taking action on inspired ideas before the Holy Spirit deposits the same idea into the spirit of someone who will! Listen, I was shoookkkkk!!! When I tell you, this word smacked me right in the face- my cheeks are still red and swollen!
It resonated so deeply with me because when the idea came the second time, it came on the heels of seeing many girls out here doing things I’ve planned to do for yearssss (no lie, no exaggeration). The difference is that while I was just planning and noting, they were taking action. Now, I still intend to do everything I planned, but I do not get the personal satisfaction of being a pioneer at it. Worse, I could potentially look like I am following a “trend,” when I have been sitting on these ideas and this content for a while.
In that moment, after hearing that webinar, I determined I cannot let any more of my ideas come to the public and I am not the one introducing it! I cannot keep robbing myself like this. I cannot afford to let my ideas, motivation, my destiny even, go cold. I must strike while the iron is hot!
I would like to encourage you to do the same, Beauties! If you have an idea, take action on it. Right then and there! We can “think” all day long, but we have to know when to pivot into “action”. So, I challenge you- identify one thing you have been putting off and do one thing to get the ball rolling on it. If you are feeling bold, leave me a comment and let me know what it is!
Until Next Time, Beauties! Keep taking inspired action! Your future self will love and appreciate you for it!
11th Mar 2020 - 9:19 pmGreat Read ! Action is what I need to stop what I am now .
20th Mar 2020 - 12:16 pmOh I love this! I’ve not moved forward in a lot of areas for fear of leaving others behind. What’s for me is mine! I too will do better at recognizing and seizing those moments as they come.
Lisa Mei
20th Mar 2020 - 2:29 pmThat’s amazing Adgereana!! I’m so happy to hear that!! YAAS Girl!! Claim ALL THAT IS YOURS 2020!!! Those that are meant to come will catch up! And those that don’t, you’ll love them where they are still! But GO!!! 🙂