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The Gathering Spot

The Gathering Spot

The Gathering Spot Is a Private Club for the Black Community


The DC location already has more than 1,000 members, including CNN’s Abby Phillip.


    TWEET  SHARE All photographs courtesy of The Gathering Spot.

After George Zimmerman—the man who fatally shot Trayvon Martin—was acquitted in 2013, then-Georgetown law student Ryan Wilson got an email from some friends with whom he had been doing diversity and inclusion work. The subject line was simple: What are...

Reparations for Athens, GA

Reparations for Athens, GA

INSIDE THE WINNING FIGHT FOR REPARATIONS IN ATHENS, GEORGIA Fifty Black families were forcibly displaced from their homes in the 1960s. Now the descendants are seeking redress and a chance to testify before Congress. Rachel M. Cohen

April 9 2021, 7:00 a.m.

WITHIN THE BOUNDS of a block in Athens, Georgia, three high-rise dorms stand where 50 Black families used to live. The dorms were built in the 1960s as part of the federal government’s urban renewal program, which empowered cities and colleges to seize...

Biden’s Black Agenda: Lift Every Voice

Biden’s Black Agenda: Lift Every Voice

Well, it’s Election Day.  I’ve casted my vote for Biden Harris.  I’m not crazy about either one of them, but I DO NOT want another 4 years of Trump.  I planned to post this last week, but it took me much longer to read through Biden’s Black Agenda, Lift Every Voice, than I thought it would.  It was really important for me to go through line by line to understand exactly what he’s proposing for the black community.  Specifically ADOS...

Why ADOS Matters

Why ADOS Matters

American Descendants of Slaves (coined ADOS by founders Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore) matter because we’ve contributed significantly to the making of America.  More than a century before the founding of the country we were the labor that built the tobacco and cotton industries that grew to afford America the opportunity to seize its independence from Great Britain.  Fast forward a couple hundred centuries, immediately following Emancipation, and we were the bodies the prison industrial complex was created for to...

Who is Chill Moody?

Who is Chill Moody?

Are you like I was a few weeks ago, and asking ‘Who is Chill Moody??’  If so, hunny, let me tell you!  Chill Moody is a legend in the making!  Real spit!  And quite literally.  Chill Moody is a well respected Hip Hop artist from West Philadelphia, known for BARSSS, and his undeniable love for his city.  He’s an extraordinary lyricist that can contend with the greatest of them.  I’m talking Nas, Lupe, Siegal, Freeway, Budden, Black Thought.  His rhymes...

Can We Be Real?

Can We Be Real?

A couple of years ago I told a friend of mine how I was becoming skeptical of what I refer to as the “Positivity Movement”.  I had embarked on a personal development journey (that was the foundation of this very blog); that challenged me to dig deep within myself, cleanse my soul, and seek God in order to find my purpose.  As a result, I found myself heavily entrenched in the world of Affirmations and Manifestations.  

Now I don’t have a...

About Me


What’s up, girl! Lisa Mei here.

Content Curator, Creator and Social Commentator.

In a nutshell I’m a Believer in Christ, who’s passionate about Politics, Pop Culture, and Personal Development.  

I’m a student of life who seeks to learn as much as I can, and share as much as I can.  

I’ve always been curious about life and the things going on in the world.  And fascinated with people and their journey in life.  The talent they bring to it and the wisdom they’ve gleaned from it.  As someone committed to personal growth and development, I’m always on the lookout for how to level up and do life better in general.

If my journey in life so far has taught me anything, it’s that my community of black people need quality information, plain and simple.  Information that not only informs, but inspires and benefits us. Information we can learn, grow, and evolve from.  We also need space to do it in and community to do it with.

Therefore, through this blog, I aim to learn, share, and grow with others through the intersection of politics, faith and black culture.  I believe that when we know better, we do better.  And for me, it’s important for that “better” to be aligned with God’s will and purpose, and pushes us and black culture forward.

This is my Pursuit of Excellence- spiritual excellence and black cultural excellence.  I invite you to join me, Beautiful!

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