King’s Disease II- A Masterpiece
- September 06, 2021
- by
- Lisa Mei
Honey, honey, honey. Listen, Linda, Listen. King’s Disease II is a VIIIBBEE!!! A vibe that is giving all kinds of insight, and inspiring all kinds of vision. Depending on your personal frame of reference and interests.
It’s a vibe that compels you to pay homage, feel good, celebrate your wins, and remember there’s something you’re building for.
At times it’s chill like a sunset cruise around the Mediterranean, and other times it turns up and gets real illy and gritty like the streets of NY. And it does so, so beautifully! It’s braggadocious in the classiest of ways.
For me, considering the way I love Nas, this album is a masterpiece. A personal blessing to me as a fan.
There’s so much I appreciate about it. First being that he opens up acknowledging he’s been inspiring the hood, and is back to do it again.
I love that Nas lets us know it’s possible to build an empire, but lets us know it brings stress; and teaches us from his life experiences how to navigate those stresses. I mean on King’s Disease– which he released exactly a year ago, and won his first Grammy for this year– he literally tells us to eat lemongrass, cherries, and drink alkaline water to remedy gout, also known as a king’s (or rich man’s) disease. That’s to say that Nas is covering all the bases, giving us all the things he knows we need.
For me, this album feels like yachting around the Mediterranean, kicked back with a glass of champagne, listening to Nas tell me all the things I didn’t know I wanted to know, but definitely needed to hear. It makes me dream and reminisce at the same time, while inspiring all kinds of thoughts about the world, life, and the people in it.
I can’t say enough good things about this album, so I’ll just jump into a song breakdown (from my POV) if you’re interested in that kind of thing lol.
Nas opens the album stating that the pressure of leading “weighs a ton and it’s getting too heavy.” However, he’s back to “inspire [us] again like [he] didn’t already.” He also tells us he doesn’t feel like he’s made it until we all can say we made it. As a fan, and someone who looks up to and respects Nas, I appreciate that. It lets me know he takes not only his craft seriously, but his influence, and his message. In this song that message is the importance of education, setting boundaries, having integrity, and being dedicated to your craft and/or business. He encourages us to “embrace the pressure” and keep “bench pressing” on, while remembering that “this whole thing game is triangulated.” This is definitely one of my favs that stays in rotation.
This is probably my least favorite song on the album. He’s recounting the time around Tupac’s death and dispelling rumors that his friend had anything to do with it. I think this song appeals to the people who were actually curious about that. I wasn’t, so I don’t appreciate it as much. But I mean, it’s cool to hear Nas talk about anything, so.. LOL.
I instantly loved this song. As soon as the beat dropped. It’s a fast paced beat with a laid back underbeat?? (is that a thing? lol) that offers Lil Baby on the ad libs; and it gets me GOING!!! LOL. He’s talking OG Talk, and it motivates me to keep plotting on how to make a million, then a billion! YAAS!!! LOL
In this song Nas is putting us up on game. Reminding us, and affirming in us, that integrity matters. He calls out self-pity and urges us to put aside feelings and put our plans into action. My favorite line in this song has to be him saying “when you make your first 10 million watch it like a habit.” Noted, Nas. Noted! LOL
This one is for the Eminem fans. Em is featured on this song and he’s getting his sh*t off (as my boy J would say). Despite being a big Eminem fan back in the day, I’m not that crazy about this song. The one thing I do appreciate though, is that Nas references getting over the hood trauma. I think that’s an important issue that deserves heavy consideration and discussion. Simply because the majority of black people suffer from some sort of trauma, simply from being black in America. And it isn’t easy to overcome. You have to be intentional, patient, and persevering.
Other than that, (imo) the best part of this song is Mike Pence’s fly getting a mention LOL!!
Honey. Rare is beautiful. Personally, it prepares me for Brunch on Sundays to come. Honey, Brunch on Sundays is a personal vibe, Yes Lawd! LOL
But back to Rare.
Nas is going in on this song! Dropping so many bars and jewels! He opens up saying “music is mars, [he’s] walking all over the beat putting his feet on the stars.” Mind BLOWN already LOL!
But, seriously tho. In this song he warns us about beefing over nothing. And being ready for all the problems money brings. He also encourages us to study and evolve. To stay rare. Keep our mystique, be our own cosign, and keep that braveheart energy. I am all the way here for it, honey! Definitely one of my favorite songs on the album.
Honey, YKTV is giving Big Nas Energy Goals LOL! This is one of those gritty beats that is just illy! I’ll sum this song up with one lyric: “I can’t let you drive the boat if you get seasick.”
Nas is definitely getting his sh*t off in this song!
This is another one where he’s putting us up on game, while also schooling us on paying respect. He talks about being dedicated to his craft. Admonishing us to move in silence. Affirming in us that we can grow an empire. Encouraging us to take risks, while also letting us know we can risk it for good, or we can risk it for bad. In true Nas fashion, he’s letting us know to be patient and not move too fast. To keep in perspective that we are all on God’s time.
He challenges us to think about what happens if we don’t see our potential status as a king or a queen. He tells us he’s assumed his responsibility to shift the culture. And hopefully we are inspired and committed to doing the same. He closes out the song reminding us that it’s not about being perfect. It’s about being persistent, and paying respect.
So keep going, Beautiful! 😉
The production on Moments is beautiful. It’s like an old school throwback Oldies but Goodies vibe. He declares he’s representative of MLK’s dream coming true. However, it’s time to embrace new leaders and he accepts his position as the master teacher in the rap game. And one of the (many) lessons in this song is to be financially responsible. He stresses to us to make investments before buying jewelry. While also reminding us that “sometimes the ones you knew the longest are the ones that do you the dirtiest.”
He lets us know that every man is a king unless he makes excuses. I appreciate that line, but honestly, I think it takes more than not making excuses to be a king, or a queen.
But I love that he compels us to think about moments that we can’t relive; and give God praise for the things we’ve been able to witness and experience in our life thus far. And I love that he implores us to bet on ourselves.
This song instantly puts me in a Brown Sugar mood. Like I live in a Brooklyn brownstone and create fire art all day, listening to hip hop lol.
In this song he’s basically telling us he wants anonymity, space and peace. He recognizes there were/are times where he’s not his highest self and needs to pray more. He’s imploring us to take heed to the signs around us. And to recall a time “before the internet, energy and social decline destroyed the vibe.”
I think the best part of this song is that he brings out Lauryn Hill to continue dropping knowledge where he leaves off in the song. Thank you, Nas. And thank you, Lauryn! This song is one big jewel containing many gems for the discerning listener.
I absolutely looove this song!!! This and Brunch on Sundays are like personal love letters. Real talk, the love and relationship he describes in these two songs are my marriage goals. So seriously! l love that he says with this girl he keeps it humble. And he’s devoted to her even when she’s being heroic. I think most ladies can relate to this- trying to be superwoman, and it’s a relief when a man comes and helps you take your cape off. I’m coming to realize that’s a rare and beautiful blessing. And a beautiful blessing I desire, honey.
I think the biggest take away for me from this song, is it’s all about trust. In order to love someone you have to trust them. And in order to trust them, you have to trust yourself and be secure in yourself. You can’t be out here faking like you love someone and you haven’t taken the time to truly love and trust yourself. You gotta be real. And you gotta be ready. Cause nobody wants no phony love lol. And Nas ain’t got no time for playing LOL (iyk, you a real Nas fan and you get me LOL)
Honey. Honey, honey, honey.
Let’s just start with the violin! Sweet Jesus. Yes, please!
This song is just good times and family affair and I am all the way here for it! The way Nas describes himself in this song is how I need my husband to be. He said he’s the good guy. Mixed with American Pimp shit. Handles his black business. Stays out of black women’s business unless he’s vested in it. Tells her to check her Zelle account, there’s a blessing in it. Yes, Lawd!
I’m just going to leave it at that. lol
This is one of those songs where Nas gets his sh*t off, ok? Lol
I could be listening too hard, but it seems like in this song he switches back and forth between recalling experiences when he first got in the game, while also bragging a bit about where he is now, all in the present tense. In this song he expressly tells us the pains of a king’s dis-ease. Seeing all the power and fame go to people’s heads. And how it leads them to take aim at others, i.e him. Provoking him(people) to fire back, and annihilate, when he/they weren’t even looking for blood.
My favorite line in this song is:
“You can’t cure [him] with over the counter shit.” But he still shows up and it’s, “Fireworks every time he turns an album in”.
YAAS! That’s Big Fax, honey!
This song truly captures the spirit of excellence, imo. What I find most remarkable is Nas saying he was humming tunes 10 days old in the incubator (he had yellow jaundice as a baby). Then started writing songs 10 years later. I appreciate learning he was introduced to music so early. Clearly, before he ever even got here.
What’s also remarkable are the wise words, Shaka Senghor, ends the song with:
“Keep your Composure. Hold it down, hold it tight, hold it close. Hold space for yourself. It’s the way of the ancestors, the elders, artists, OGs, dreamers, builders. With each breath, internalize their successes; their struggles; their sense of self; their sense of overcoming. Take that power forward and remind yourself of the magnitude of your good fortune, and the mere chance that you survived. That you will thrive. That even the strongest kings’ and queens’ being remains unbroken. And believe in the magic of who we are. Cause what you believe is everything. And what someone believes about you is nothing. Keep Your Composure.”
Nas says life’s a bible and we’re living in Biblical times. As such, in this song, he’s sharing what he’s learned from life, and what guides his life. As a Believer, I really appreciate this song, because a lot of what he’s guided by is in fact Biblical.
Keeping with the theme of the song, the trinity that makes up Nas is Man, Woman, and Child. And his three books cover how to govern and protect this trinity.
His 1st Chapter is Men- where he breaks down “Men-a-standance,” and reminds us that our enemies will speak to us like it’s all love, just to keep our vision clouded.
His 2nd Chapter is Getting What You Give- where he informs us it’s power in how we live. What we do and what we give is what we get back. He implores us to speak gospel for the next generation.
His 3rd Chapter is Women- where he shares how significant and valuable we are, and how he sees us in the image of God.
Overall, in these Biblical times we’re living in, he’s encouraging us to hope for the best, do our best, and be our best.
While he’s praying it doesn’t come to a tragic end.
Honey, let me tell you: Nas is GOODT!!! LOL
This is another one of those exquisite blends of smooth beats and gritty and braggadocious lyrics, where Nas is what? Getting his sh*t off! LOL And it’s a whole mood and vibe, honey!
I especially love this song, and My Bible, because I feel like Nas promised us this. He said in “Let There Be Light,” on Hip Hop is Dead, only when he was 20 years in the game, and after he’s enjoyed his fame, only then he would let us pick his brain. And I feel like he’s doing just that as he shares his experience going to Cairo, swimming in the Red Sea, and boating on the Nile.
My favorite line on this song is when Nas says he’s “catching up with those who had a head start, and that he deserves the threads in his closet, big boy deposits, Nike shares and stock tips.” Yes, Nas, you do! Yes, you do King! Salute! And thank you. I am definitely inspired and taking heed!
You taking heed, Beauties?
Drop down in the comments and let me know if Nas inspired you!
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